Angels Galaxy

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 #4 Alguma coisa para não esquecer 24/24 500 Gospel
2 #4 Difícil 24/24 500 Hip Hop Soul
3 #4 Escravidão eterna 24/24 500 Doo Wop
4 #4 Força do ódio 23/23 500 Gospel
5 #4 Htrssewwww 24/24 500 Gospel
6 #4 Joolhhg 24/23 500 Gospel
7 #4 Mar do ódio 23/24 500 Gospel
8 #4 Ódio do viver 23/24 500 Gospel
9 #4 Ódio mortal 24/23 500 Gospel
10 #4 R&B 24/24 500 Doo Wop
11 #4 Sem criatividade para nomes 24/24 500 Gospel
12 #4 Sofrencia 24/23 500 Gospel
13 #4 Terceira música não será um Big Hit 500 Gospel
14 #4 Wasteland meu amor 24/23 500 Gospel
15 *Sólido 500 Alternative R&B
16 051 240 Hip Hop Soul
17 A Million Miles Away 23/23 460 Contemporary R&B
18 A volta do Cacto 500 Alternative R&B
19 A volta dos que não foram 500 Gospel
20 Agora me chamo, Cássia Vansmie 24/23 500 Hip Hop Soul
21 All My Life 23/24 500 Gospel
22 All Night 24/23 500 Gospel
23 Angels don’t cry 500 Gospel
24 Another time 500 70s Soul
25 Apollo Vansmie, amor da minha vida 26/26 435 Contemporary R&B
26 Aš Ieškau Savęs 280 Hip Hop Soul
27 Be Alright 24/23 500 Gospel
28 Be With You 23/24 500 Gospel
29 Bitch, I'm Special 24/24 465 Contemporary R&B
30 Black eyes 23/24 500 Gospel
31 Blank 500 Gospel
32 Call me 500 Gospel
33 Cold 23/24 500 Gospel
34 Colorful 500 Gospel
35 Criação 24/23 500 Doo Wop
36 Cuidar de mim 500 Gospel
37 Dance For You 24/24 500 Alternative R&B
38 Dance The Night 23/24 500 Gospel
39 Dark Horse 23/24 500 Gospel
40 Dark rain 23/24 500 Gospel
41 Darkness is the end 470 Contemporary R&B
42 Do You Feel Me ? 24/24 500 G-Funk
43 Don't Tell Me 23/23 500 Gospel
44 Düş Perisi Edgar 275 Hip Hop Soul
45 E aí ? 500 Gospel
46 E aí meu? 500 Alternative R&B
47 E até lá, vamos viver 500 Alternative R&B
48 End Of Time 24/24 470 Contemporary R&B
49 Era mentira BH 500 Alternative R&B
50 Esqueci de compor 500 Gospel
51 Feliz, feliz 500 Gospel
52 Fire 480 Contemporary R&B
53 Firstly 23/23 500 Gospel
54 Galáxia escura 500 Gospel
55 Get Lucky 23/23 500 Alternative R&B
56 Girl On Fire 24/24 500 Alternative R&B
57 Going 500 70s Soul
58 I can do it, or no 500 Alternative R&B
59 I don’t slave, I’m free 500 Hip Hop Soul
60 i miss you when it's quiet 320 Hip Hop Soul
61 If I Ain't Got You 23/24 500 Doo Wop
62 Jack 265 Hip Hop Soul
63 Kiss Me More 23/24 500 Doo Wop
64 Kürzlich verwendet ~ 22-06-20 ~ 5 275 Hip Hop Soul
65 Lá vamos nós 500 Gospel
66 last night 500 Doo Wop
67 Leave The Door Open 24/24 500 70s Soul
68 Live Your Life 24/24 500 Gospel
69 Love Me Harder 23/24 500 Gospel
70 Love Me Land 23/24 500 Gospel
71 Love On Top 23/23 500 Funk
72 Mais uma para a coleção 470 Contemporary R&B
73 Major Tom 500 Doo Wop
74 Medida certa 500 Gospel
75 Mi sei mancato 265 Hip Hop Soul
76 Não solta a minha mão 500 Gospel
77 Não te largo, Não te troco 23/23 500 Doo Wop
78 Never 500 Gospel
79 Neverland 500 G-Funk
80 Olha quem acordou 500 Alternative R&B
81 One in a million 24/23 500 Gospel
82 Pirulito que bate bate 475 Contemporary R&B
83 Queen 23/24 500 Gospel
84 R&B Moore 23/24 500 G-Funk
85 Rain on me 24/23 500 Gospel
86 Remember The Time 24/23 500 Gospel
87 Rindo de sono 470 Contemporary R&B
88 Se eu perder esse trem 500 Alternative R&B
89 Stay 23/24 500 Doo Wop
90 Suddenly 500 Gospel
91 Take My Breath Away 24/23 500 70s Soul
92 That’s What I Like 23/23 500 Gospel
93 The Kraken 500 Gospel
94 The Quiet Routine 270 Hip Hop Soul
95 The soul in the mirror 500 Hip Hop Soul
96 This is us 500 Funk
97 Unicorns are real 500 Doo Wop
98 Vitalidade 500 Gospel
99 Você não me ensinou a te esquecer 500 Gospel
100 Você tem problema? 270 Hip Hop Soul
101 Voltando BH 470 Hip Hop Soul
102 Voltando novamente 500 Gospel
103 We are 500 Gospel
104 When I'm Gone 23/24 500 Gospel
105 Wolf 500 Hip Hop Soul
106 Your eyes 465 Contemporary R&B

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 20 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.