Duffy & the Legends

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 100 Year Old Man 500 British Blues
2 12 months on 500 Country Blues
3 24 to 25 640 British Blues
4 7am blues 160 Country Blues
5 A Barrel Rolling to the Top 500 Country Blues
6 A Castle in the Clouds 500 Electric Blues
7 A Fleeting Taste of Greatness 500 Texas Blues
8 A Love Letter to Myself 500 Dirty Blues
9 A New Day, a New Year 640 Country Blues
10 Accusation Blues 500 Country Blues
11 Again and again 500 New Orleans Blues
12 Aging bones 500 Detroit Blues
13 Agonising Apathy 500 Delta Blues
14 Ahead of Time 170 Country Blues
15 Alcohol and Tears 500 Country Blues
16 Alcohol Free Song (Duffy's favorite) 500 Chicago Blues
17 All In The Name Of Charity 645 Country Blues
18 All of my cheek 390 Detroit Blues
19 Always 500 Country Blues
20 Always legendary, never gloomy 500 Dirty Blues
21 Always on the Road 500 Delta Blues
22 Am I in the right band? 500 St. Louis Blues
23 Another day on the frontline 500 British Blues
24 Another Flipping Song 500 Chicago Blues
25 Another year in Rio 410 Detroit Blues
26 Antenora Strippers 500 Country Blues
27 Anxiety saps your life 500 British Blues
28 Asshole Liar 500 Female Vocal Blues
29 Awakening 500 St. Louis Blues
30 Baby Tommy 500 Chicago Blues
31 Back from the Grave 500 Country Blues
32 Back in blue 500 Boogie Woogie
33 Back to the Grind 500 New Orleans Blues
34 Bad Boss Man Blues 500 Electric Blues
35 Ballad of the Crossing 500 British Blues
36 Ballad of the Wild 500 British Blues
37 Barely Able To Swim 500 Delta Blues
38 Be The One To Wake Me Up 170 New Orleans Blues
39 Beer and sandwiches 500 New Orleans Blues
40 Best Damn Blues in the Big Bang 500 Dirty Blues
41 Better than all the rest 500 British Blues
42 Better than Fish and Chips 500 Detroit Blues
43 Better than Legendary 215 Detroit Blues
44 Beyond the End Times 500 Electric Blues
45 Big Dudes 500 New Orleans Blues
46 Biscuit Roller 500 Country Blues
47 Bleeding Ears 500 Country Blues
48 Blow Boy Blow 500 Electric Blues
49 Blueprint 500 Country Blues
50 Blues Clap 500 Zydeco Blues
51 Blues fever 500 Dirty Blues
52 Blues Foursome Rising 500
53 Blurry People 500 British Blues
54 Boo 500 Boogie Woogie
55 Bot Blues 500 Country Blues
56 Bottled Poetry 500 Country Blues
57 Bratling Blues 500 Delta Blues
58 Bratlings Falling from Trees 500 Detroit Blues
59 Brats All Around Me 500 Zydeco Blues
60 Breakfast in Bed Blues 500 St. Louis Blues
61 Bricking It 500 Texas Blues
62 Bringing in barrels of whiskey 500 Dirty Blues
63 Bringing the House Down 500 Country Blues
64 Brownies Cooking in the Oven 500 New Orleans Blues
65 Brussel Sprouts 500 Country Blues
66 Buckle Up 500 British Blues
67 Burned out 500 New Orleans Blues
68 Burning Through the Sky 500 Texas Blues
69 Busker's Babblative 500 Country Blues
70 By Kobe I need a holiday! 500 British Blues
71 Caerwyn My Favorite Roadie 420 Texas Blues
72 Caerwyn's Hugs 405 British Blues
73 Caerwyns Real Name Is Philip the II 405 Texas Blues
74 Calculated Risk 500 Texas Blues
75 Castles and Churches 335 St. Louis Blues
76 Chapter Four 500 Country Blues
77 Cheatin' Heart Blues 500 Country Blues
78 Christmas Blues 500 British Blues
79 Christmas blues 500 St. Louis Blues
80 Christmas Time - Whisky and Wine 620 Country Blues
81 Contempt 500 Electric Blues
82 Cookie Dipper 500 Texas Blues
83 Crackling Fire 500 Boogie Woogie
84 Crowded out 500 Texas Blues
85 Damned Paper Pushers 500 British Blues
86 Dead Vernon Blues 500 Delta Blues
87 Deadbeat Song 500 Electric Blues
88 Dereliction 500 British Blues
89 Devil's Crossing 500 British Blues
90 Discord Blues 580 Country Blues
91 Do Vernon 500 Delta Blues
92 Don’t Feed The Ducks 500 Delta Blues
93 Don't Give Up Now 500 Electric Blues
94 Don't know nothing 500 Dirty Blues
95 Doofus 160 Country Blues
96 Doomsday 500 Dirty Blues
97 Down and Out 500 Country Blues
98 Down on Dockery Farm 500 Delta Blues
99 Down the Barrel 500 Detroit Blues
100 Drinkin' with both hands 500 Female Vocal Blues
101 Drunken Blues 500 Boogie Woogie
102 Duck Hunting 500 British Blues
103 Duckling Infestation 500 Electric Blues
104 Ducks and Swans 500 British Blues
105 Ducks are the Shiz 500 Female Vocal Blues
106 Duffy Lost His Marbles 500 Detroit Blues
107 Duffy made me do it! 500 Detroit Blues
108 Duffy on your trail 500 Country Blues
109 Duffy Retirement Tour? 500 Delta Blues
110 Duffy Wants To Be Sober 410 Detroit Blues
111 Duffy's Power 500 Electric Blues
112 Duffy's Pyrotechnics Gone Wrong 500 Detroit Blues
113 Duffy's Rider 500 Boogie Woogie
114 Duffy's Tache Ruined The Show 500 St. Louis Blues
115 Duffy's Uncool Variant 500 Chicago Blues
116 Dusk comes early 245 Country Blues
117 Echoes of a previous time 640 Country Blues
118 Endless Echo 500 Boogie Woogie
119 Evening Blues 500 Boogie Woogie
120 Every day Fool 500 Dirty Blues
121 Excited for towels 250 Country Blues
122 Falling Asleep 500 New Orleans Blues
123 Festival Blues 500 New Orleans Blues
124 Flash of Inspiration 500 Country Blues
125 Flow whisky flow 645 Country Blues
126 Following Duffy's Orders 500 Dirty Blues
127 Following Orders 500 British Blues
128 Forgetful Minds 500 Electric Blues
129 Forgotten 245 Country Blues
130 Foundling 500 Chicago Blues
131 Four O'Clock Lockdown Blues 500 Country Blues
132 From Darkness Into Light 500 Country Blues
133 Frost on a Sunny Day 865 Country Blues
134 Frozen Hell 500 Texas Blues
135 Full Frontal 500 British Blues
136 Gambling My Savings Away 500 Country Blues
137 Getting to the Point 425 Texas Blues
138 Give me some credit, you old fart 500 British Blues
139 God Smackingly Glorious 500 Boogie Woogie
140 Going back is tiring 500 British Blues
141 Going in to work 500 Electric Blues
142 Golden Leaf 500 Country Blues
143 Gregaddict 500 Chicago Blues
144 Groaning Old Trees 500 British Blues
145 Grown up Blues 500 British Blues
146 Happiness is a Night Off 500 British Blues
147 Headstuck Drums 500 St. Louis Blues
148 Heating up 550 Country Blues
149 Height Adjustable Desks 500 Texas Blues
150 Heirs to a Blues Revolution 500 British Blues
151 Here we are again 385 St. Louis Blues
152 High Pass Duffy Filters 500 Texas Blues
153 Highway Blues 500 Electric Blues
154 How is he still alive?! 500 Country Blues
155 Humble and Stunning to a Tee 500 Female Vocal Blues
156 Hurricane Holiday 295 Country Blues
157 Hurry Up 500 Boogie Woogie
158 I Ain't A Bratling No More 500 Electric Blues
159 I can't think of a decent title 500 Electric Blues
160 I live full of pain 500 St. Louis Blues
161 I miss you today..I'll miss you tomorrow 500 Zydeco Blues
162 I need a hobby 500 Texas Blues
163 I need another holiday 500 British Blues
164 I Need to Lose the Losers 280 Detroit Blues
165 I no longer give a damn 500 Electric Blues
166 I Stomp On You, Leech 500 Chicago Blues
167 I want to get old before we all die 500 Electric Blues
168 I wish you were mine 500 New Orleans Blues
169 I'll be damned if this is a hit 500 British Blues
170 Imaginary Friend 240 Country Blues
171 Incarceration Blues 500 Country Blues
172 Indecisive 655 Texas Blues
173 Infinite 500 Chicago Blues
174 Instrumental Best Friend 500 Country Blues
175 Insurance Blues 500 New Orleans Blues
176 Interstellar 500 Country Blues
177 Intimidation Tactics 500 Country Blues
178 It's hard being the stepson of a legend 500 Texas Blues
179 Jamming with the Old Man 500 Texas Blues
180 Just another Monday evening 500 Country Blues
181 Just another new girl 500 British Blues
182 Kay-Eye-Ess-Ess-Crea-King-Knees 500 St. Louis Blues
183 Kerfuffle 500 Female Vocal Blues
184 Kicking the Bucket 500 British Blues
185 Kidnapped by a Pilot 500 British Blues
186 Killer in the land 500 New Orleans Blues
187 King of the Whisky Blues 500 Dirty Blues
188 Late Twenties Blues 500 Country Blues
189 Lawnmower Blues 500 Country Blues
190 Legendary 500 Country Blues
191 Legendary Son 500 British Blues
192 Liddy’s Soul 500 Detroit Blues
193 Light Dragon 500 Country Blues
194 Like water off a duck's back 500 British Blues
195 Listen 500 Female Vocal Blues
196 Little Girl 500 Country Blues
197 Live & Fall 295 Country Blues
198 Livin' La Vida Drunko 500 British Blues
199 Long, Long Time 500 Chicago Blues
200 Look at me. Only me. 95 Country Blues
201 Look Grandma, I'm in the Festival 500 British Blues
202 Losing my head 500 Texas Blues
203 Lost the Plot 500 Electric Blues
204 Love And Thunder 500 Country Blues
205 Love is not a victory march 500 Country Blues
206 Lullaby for Caerwyn 500 British Blues
207 Lullaby for Duffy 500 British Blues
208 Lullaby for Nikos 500 Chicago Blues
209 Manifestation 395 Detroit Blues
210 Married Men. Come on. 555 Country Blues
211 Mashup Song 500 Country Blues
212 Mass Hysteria 500 Detroit Blues
213 Mellifluous 500 Country Blues
214 Mermaid Dreams 500 New Orleans Blues
215 Might as well start a new one 500 New Orleans Blues
216 Missing You 500 British Blues
217 Misunderstood 500 British Blues
218 Monday Morning Lie In 500 Dirty Blues
219 Mooning Mert 500 British Blues
220 Moreno Mafia 500 Electric Blues
221 Moving on 500 Electric Blues
222 My old eyes can't see my phone anymore 500 Electric Blues
223 Mythosaur 500 Delta Blues
224 Naked 500 Chicago Blues
225 Naked on stage 500 St. Louis Blues
226 Nasty Mind 500 Female Vocal Blues
227 Never ending scarlet fever 420 Texas Blues
228 Never Going Home 500 Delta Blues
229 Never walking alone 420 Texas Blues
230 New Boss Again 500 Texas Blues
231 New Year Blues 500 British Blues
232 Night Rider 500 Electric Blues
233 Nightmare on Beale Street 500 New Orleans Blues
234 Nighttime Believer 500 Chicago Blues
235 No clogs in the Netherlands 500 Country Blues
236 No Ducks Today 500 British Blues
237 No Worries 500 British Blues
238 Not original 400 St. Louis Blues
239 Not so sweet after all 500 Country Blues
240 Oh boohoo 500 Country Blues
241 Oh no, not another one 500 St. Louis Blues
242 Old Man Duffy 645 British Blues
243 On and On and On 500 Electric Blues
244 On The Road Again 500 Country Blues
245 One for the Duffy Compilation Album 500 British Blues
246 Only as old as the woman I feel 500 Country Blues
247 Ooo, innit dark? 500 Country Blues
248 Ossie 500 Texas Blues
249 Over The Moon 290 Country Blues
250 Pain in the neck 405 Texas Blues
251 Passionately Indifferent 165 Chicago Blues
252 People are mad 500 British Blues
253 Perfectly Original Ballad 500 Texas Blues
254 Philled 500 St. Louis Blues
255 Play Me With Your Eyes 500 Country Blues
256 Post Apocalyptic Blues 405 Detroit Blues
257 Post Office Blues 500 Chicago Blues
258 Pots and Pans 550 Country Blues
259 Prince of Players 500 British Blues
260 Propping up the Others 500 British Blues
261 Rainy Blues 500 Country Blues
262 Ramblin' Hobo 500 British Blues
263 Real Mean Beauty 500 Country Blues
264 Red Lights 500 St. Louis Blues
265 Remaining 500 Texas Blues
266 Rich Girl 500 Female Vocal Blues
267 Riding Duffy 500 Electric Blues
268 Right on Top 500 Electric Blues
269 Robber Of Youth 240 Country Blues
270 Robin and Phil Sitting Under a Tree 500 St. Louis Blues
271 Rogue One 500 Country Blues
272 Royal Throne Room Blues 500 Country Blues
273 Run Duffy, Run 500 Dirty Blues
274 Rush 500 British Blues
275 Sat Around All Day 500 Electric Blues
276 Sausage and Mash for Tea 500 Country Blues
277 Save the Kid 500 Detroit Blues
278 Second String Solitude 500 British Blues
279 Simple Acts of Lust 500 British Blues
280 Single Lady 500 Female Vocal Blues
281 Sitting Around 500 Dirty Blues
282 Sitting here thinking 160 St. Louis Blues
283 Six months on 500 British Blues
284 Sleep Time 160 St. Louis Blues
285 Sleeping Beauty 240 Delta Blues
286 Smells Like Pickled Cucumber 500 Country Blues
287 Snow on the roads 650 Country Blues
288 Snowy Day Blues 500 British Blues
289 So Long Kid 500 Electric Blues
290 So long to life 500 New Orleans Blues
291 So Many Women 500 Detroit Blues
292 Sober 500 Texas Blues
293 Sold Out Soul 500
294 Song Not About Brussel Sprouts 500 Country Blues
295 Songs for a New Day 400 Country Blues
296 Speak up! 235 Country Blues
297 Spiced Quince Jam 500 Country Blues
298 Springtime Blues 500 Female Vocal Blues
299 Squirrels in my house 500 New Orleans Blues
300 Staggering Drunkards 500 British Blues
301 Standard Blues 500 Delta Blues
302 Staying Up Late 285 Country Blues
303 Stealing Vernon's Thunder 500 Delta Blues
304 Still Game 500 Dirty Blues
305 Still the Best 500 New Orleans Blues
306 Stoneheart Hotel 420 St. Louis Blues
307 Stop Spinning 500 Female Vocal Blues
308 Stop The Rain 500 Dirty Blues
309 Storm After Storm 500 Country Blues
310 Strangle Hearted Blues 500 Electric Blues
311 Stuck at home blues 500 Boogie Woogie
312 Stupid Call Centres 500 New Orleans Blues
313 Sunny Day Blues 500 British Blues
314 Suspense 500 New Orleans Blues
315 Sweaty Buses 500 Texas Blues
316 Sweet Carolina 500 Country Blues
317 Sweet Desires 500 Country Blues
318 'Tache of the gods 645 Country Blues
319 Tacky holidays 415 Detroit Blues
320 Tears in the eyes of heroes 420 Texas Blues
321 Tears in the rain 500 British Blues
322 Tears of the Kingdom 500 Texas Blues
323 Tedious meetings 500 Electric Blues
324 Teenage Blues 500 Boogie Woogie
325 The Ballad of old Robin 500 British Blues
326 The Barrel of Madness 500 Electric Blues
327 The Best Damned Blues Band 500 Electric Blues
328 The Blues Guitar Master 500 Delta Blues
329 The Blues Prince 415 British Blues
330 The B-Side Song 500 New Orleans Blues
331 The Dark Days are Coming 165 Country Blues
332 The Eternal Caravan of Gridlock 500 Chicago Blues
333 The Fastest Man Alive 160 Country Blues
334 The Incessant Drone of my Computer 500 Electric Blues
335 The Joys of Homecoming 500 British Blues
336 The last of a long forgotten era 500 Country Blues
337 The Legend of the Blues King 465 Texas Blues
338 The Lost Monkeys of Chaos 500 Country Blues
339 The Magic of Cheesemas 500 Texas Blues
340 The March of April May 535 Dirty Blues
341 The Mourning of Fake Duffy 500 Detroit Blues
342 The Ordinary Life 500 St. Louis Blues
343 The Power Behind the Power 500 Texas Blues
344 The Real Legends 500 Texas Blues
345 The Sensible One 500 British Blues
346 The Song Goes On 500 Electric Blues
347 The 'tache 500 Detroit Blues
348 The 'Tache of Destiny 500 Country Blues
349 The Tale of Six Nations 500 Dirty Blues
350 The Tediosity of Life 500 Texas Blues
351 The Weather is Mad 500 New Orleans Blues
352 The Weekend Starts Here 420 Texas Blues
353 There's A Bratling in Here 500 Delta Blues
354 There's An "I" In Win 500 Country Blues
355 They Are Night Zombies!! 500 British Blues
356 They Don't Know About It 500 Country Blues
357 Things will get better in a little while 500 British Blues
358 This Is Not a Blues Sad Song 500 St. Louis Blues
359 Threesome Blues 500 Country Blues
360 Tiny plastic babies are still everywhere 500 Country Blues
361 Too many crap songs 170 Country Blues
362 Too Tired to Work 500 Country Blues
363 Toy Boy 500 Texas Blues
364 Troubled Man Blues 500 Country Blues
365 Trust and Lies 500 Country Blues
366 Unapproachable 500 St. Louis Blues
367 Under the Blankets 500 St. Louis Blues
368 Uninspired Blues 500 Country Blues
369 Unplugged Piano 500 Delta Blues
370 USB Connection Blues 500 Detroit Blues
371 Useless Bratling Blues 500 St. Louis Blues
372 Val is really Swedish 420 Texas Blues
373 Vernon Come like you Came 500 Delta Blues
374 Waggling duck 500 Detroit Blues
375 Week One Madness 500 Country Blues
376 Weekend at Vernon's 500 Delta Blues
377 We'll Get It Back 500 Texas Blues
378 What next? 500 Country Blues
379 What was that? 500 British Blues
380 Wheelbarrow Whisky 500 Delta Blues
381 When Groupies Retire 500 British Blues
382 When it Rains it Pours 500 British Blues
383 When She Was Bad 500 Detroit Blues
384 When will it all end? 565 Country Blues
385 Which Sister Are You? 500 Country Blues
386 Whisky Barrel 500 Electric Blues
387 Whisky dear whisky 500 Country Blues
388 Why did the mouse cross the street? 500 British Blues
389 Willful Ignorance 500 Chicago Blues
390 Women, Whisky and Song 500 Country Blues
391 Word Porn 500 Country Blues
392 Yes, sir! 170 Country Blues
393 You Stole my Heart 500 Delta Blues
394 You'll Never Stop me 500 Chicago Blues
395 You'll wait and see 500 New Orleans Blues
396 Youngsters all around me 640 Country Blues
397 Zombie 500 New Orleans Blues

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 9 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.