
Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 33 meteliai 570 Dark Ambient
2 Aš Prisimenu Viską 465 Dark Ambient
3 Bla bla bla 570 Dark Ambient
4 Fire on the Mountain 500 Dark Ambient
5 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500 Dark Ambient
6 Grįžtame į Pradžią 590 Dark Ambient
7 House of the Rising Sun 500 Dark Ambient
8 Ir Vėl Snigs 240 Dark Ambient
9 Išgerkime Taurę Vyno 620 Dark Ambient
10 Išlipau iš balos sausas 235 Dark Ambient
11 Išmokta Pamoka 235 Dark Ambient
12 Ji Aplanko Kai Mums Reikia 610 Dark Ambient
13 Kai Suprasiu Ko Noriu 620 Dark Ambient
14 Laiko trūkumas 570 Dark Ambient
15 Laisvas Paukštelis 675 Dark Ambient
16 Lakštingalos giesmė 580 Dark Ambient
17 Mano Dangus 230 Dark Ambient
18 Mažas taškelis dideliame lape 575 Dark Ambient
19 Meilės Banga 840 Big Beat
20 Meilės Kaleidoskopas 610 Dark Ambient
21 Meilės Legenda 600 Dark Ambient
22 Mirkt mirkt akele 645 Dark Ambient
23 Mums jau 35! 230 Dark Ambient
24 Muzikos Peizažas 610 Dark Ambient
25 Namelis Prie Jūros 620 Dark Ambient
26 Nežiūrėk Atgal 240 Dark Ambient
27 Pasimatymas ant Stogo 570 Dark Ambient
28 Perfect Life 80 Dark Ambient
29 Prancūziški vafliukai 575 Dark Ambient
30 Princesės karūna 580 Dark Ambient
31 Puokštė Rožių Raudonų 570 Dark Ambient
32 Raudoni Šermukšniai 610 Dark Ambient
33 Sapnai 240 Dark Ambient
34 Sapnų Spalvos 610 Dark Ambient
35 Saulės zuikutis 575 Dark Ambient
36 Strangers in our lives 240 Dark Ambient
37 Vėjo Melodija 430 Dark Ambient
38 Vejuosi Vėją 235 Deep House
39 Visada Yra Laiko 240 Deep House
40 Viskas Ko Reikia 425 Dark Ambient

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 23 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.