Fuck the DEVs!

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 150 bpm 500 Alternative
2 6546454 500 Alternative
3 abacaxi 500 Grunge
4 Aero 740 Post Punk
5 Ally 590 Grunge
6 Anexo 500 Alternative
7 Angry mob 500 Indie Rock
8 Angus 715 Post Punk
9 Another hit in the wall 555 New Wave
10 Apogeu 500 Grunge
11 Art 465 Grunge
12 ass 500 Grunge
13 Association 265 New Wave
14 Atom 425 Grunge
15 Automate 330 Grunge
16 Axis 455 Grunge
17 Baconzitos 500 Shoegazing
18 Bass 235 Grunge
19 Bear 500 Grunge
20 Behind the walls 500 Indie Rock
21 Biofuels 500 Grunge
22 Black Candy 235 Grunge
23 Bluezz 500 Grunge
24 Bohemia 510 Post Punk
25 Bonpland 600 Post Punk
26 Booby Boobs 500 New Wave
27 Bootleg 500 Indie Rock
28 Botella 500 LoFi
29 Bow 500 Grunge
30 Bowing's full loaded because KK's inside 500 Art Rock
31 Brabo 405 Grunge
32 Brainbomb 345 Grunge
33 Bravata 500 Alternative
34 Brinks 440 New Wave
35 Bunker 500 Alternative
36 Butchered 500 New Psychadelia
37 Buzzy 710 Post Punk
38 Cap 500 Indie Folk
39 Caramelo 170 Grunge
40 Carbon 500 Grunge
41 Caribbean 595 Grunge
42 CCUS 175 Grunge
43 Centeio 500 Grunge
44 Ceramic 450 Grunge
45 Charlie Blue Jr 500 Alternative
46 Chest 500 Grunge
47 Chill af 500 LoFi
48 Chopp 500 Grunge
49 Cíclica 500 Space Rock
50 Clouds 745 Grunge
51 Coal 230 Grunge
52 codec 220 Grunge
53 Coke 500 New Wave
54 Confession 500 Grunge
55 Continental 590 Grunge
56 Coolio 500 New Wave
57 Cops 155 Grunge
58 Costa Silver 500 Alternative
59 Could you? 500 Experimental Rock
60 Crashing down 500 Grunge
61 crazy shit yo 500 Indie Rock
62 Crema 165 Grunge
63 Crocância 220 Grunge
64 Dance of the Little Hand 500 Post Rock
65 Delivery 500 Power Pop
66 Dirty 500 Grunge
67 Dope 500 Space Rock
68 Double 595 Grunge
69 Drive around 555 New Wave
70 Dulce 595 Grunge
71 Editor 235 Grunge
72 Eeriness of silence 500 Grunge
73 entertain 500 Noise Rock
74 Error 101 500 New Wave
75 Extra 330 Grunge
76 Fanta 710 Post Punk
77 Fechamento 500 Grunge
78 Ferry 465 Grunge
79 FFF 500 Grunge
80 Fibra 350 Grunge
81 Film 150 Grunge
82 Flea 555 New Wave
83 Fleur 500 Art Rock
84 Float Your Boat 500 Indie Rock
85 Floater 345 Grunge
86 Flow 500 New Wave
87 Flu 595 Grunge
88 Force 500 New Wave
89 Fossil 170 Grunge
90 Freestyling 500 Grunge
91 Fuck the festival! 500 Rock en Español
92 Fucking annoying 500 Power Pop
93 fucking hot here 500 Indie Rock
94 Fuckity 450 Post Punk
95 Fulgor 500 Grunge
96 Funko 590 Grunge
97 Goblin 220 Grunge
98 Goldberg 350 Grunge
99 Gray 500 Grunge
100 Greybird 500 Grunge
101 Grumpy 500 Grunge
102 Ham 420 Grunge
103 Helsinki 500 Grunge
104 Here I go again 500 Indie Rock
105 High Building 500 Grunge
106 High on the bus 500 Alternative
107 Hooping 500 Alternative
108 Horny 500 Chamber Pop
109 Hose 455 Grunge
110 Hot zone 500 Alternative
111 I miss cheetos tubo 500 Space Rock
112 I threw my cap back 500 LoFi
113 I would shiver the whole night through 500 Space Rock
114 Immense fear 500 Indie Rock
115 Imóvel 500 Grunge
116 Incentivo 500 Grunge
117 Inox 325 Space Rock
118 Internorth 730 Post Punk
119 ixquece 215 Grunge
120 Kangooroo 490 New Wave
121 Kant 175 Grunge
122 Kat 465 Grunge
123 Kids 500 Grunge
124 King 85 New Wave
125 KKK and the adventures in big belly city 500 Rock en Español
126 Kristin King Shadow Bank Inc. 500 Indie Rock
127 Kristin Topster 500 Alternative
128 last 345 Grunge
129 Late hit 500 Grunge
130 Latest 500 Space Rock
131 Latido 530 Space Rock
132 Legacy 500 Grunge
133 Lite 500 Grunge
134 Lol'd 500 New Psychadelia
135 Loucura 385 Noise Rock
136 Lower 590 Grunge
137 Lunar 500 New Wave
138 Mallo 500 Grunge
139 Matches 725 Post Punk
140 Messy 500 Grunge
141 Meteoro 330 Grunge
142 Meteoro de pak 500 Grunge
143 Middle 500 Grunge
144 Midway 500 Indie Rock
145 Minimum 500 Grunge
146 Mint 710 Post Punk
147 moan 500 Grunge
148 Mobil 130 Grunge
149 Morning 500 LoFi
150 Mothe 500 Grunge
151 Mountain 500 Grunge
152 Mourn 500 Grunge
153 Nelson 325 Grunge
154 Net loss 500 New Wave
155 Nine 590 Grunge
156 No boosts 500 Alternative
157 Oferta Espacial 500 Grunge
158 Oh boy 475 Grunge
159 Oily 540 Post Punk
160 Old as fuck 500 Grunge
161 Oompa 500 Grunge
162 Oooops! 500 Grunge
163 Options 735 Post Punk
164 Orangine 500 Grunge
165 Pagodin com gin 500 Grunge
166 Pantufa na chuva 500 Grunge
167 Pastelícia 500 Grunge
168 Picante 425 Grunge
169 Pirata 500 Grunge
170 Praiou 500 New Wave
171 Premiere 425 Grunge
172 prime 500 Grunge
173 Primest 500 Grunge
174 Pringles 140 Grunge
175 Production 500 New Wave
176 Proton 355 Grunge
177 Queen 545 New Wave
178 Quota 500 Grunge
179 Reboque 500 New Wave
180 Red Tape 500 Grunge
181 Relógio gigante 500 New Wave
182 Rent 590 Grunge
183 Rice Man 500 Indie Garage
184 Roxo 220 Grunge
185 Ryo 500 New Wave
186 Send Chicken Nuggets 500 Indie Rock
187 Separado 520 Space Rock
188 Seu Oscar 500 Alternative
189 Shark 570 Post Punk
190 Shoulder 500 Grunge
191 Shred 500 Rock en Español
192 Siga 500 Space Rock
193 Signal 720 Post Punk
194 Sky Bound 500 Space Rock
195 Slim 500 Alternative
196 Slim 175 Grunge
197 Slowing 500 LoFi
198 Smoking 500 LoFi
199 Snoop Dogging 215 Grunge
200 Solar 415 Grunge
201 Sour 260 Space Rock
202 Sources 415 Grunge
203 Sovereign 500 Grunge
204 Spam 500 Grunge
205 Squix 715 Post Punk
206 Stones and bones 500 Alternative
207 Suco de abacaxi 500 LoFi
208 Supermajor 500 Grunge
209 Supernova 500 New Wave
210 Supervisor 475 Grunge
211 Tartaruga 500 New Wave
212 Tash 500 New Wave
213 Távola 325 Grunge
214 Tempo 500 Grunge
215 Ticket 500 LoFi
216 Toren 215 Grunge
217 Trap 500 Grunge
218 Trial 715 Post Punk
219 Trick 500 Indie Rock
220 Tubes 500 Grunge
221 Van Nuys 500 New Wave
222 victim 500 Indie Rock
223 Vince 500 Grunge
224 Vírgula 500 Post Rock
225 Volatile 500 Alternative
226 Volume 500 Post Rock
227 Walden 180 Grunge
228 Weekly 500 LoFi
229 Wetsuit 500 Space Rock
230 Who needs big hits when u have big tits 500 Indie Rock
231 Wire 500 Alternative
232 X-Chedder 500 Experimental Rock
233 Xxxx 500 Grunge
234 You're Despicable! 200 Grunge
235 zombies 490 Grunge

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 51 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.