Night of the Living Dead

Aşkiletamın özleminden zombiler öldürdüm

This is a Rock Steady track recorded by the artist Night of the Living Dead. The song Aşkiletamın özleminden zombiler öldürdüm was originally composed by E. Le Sophiste.

Production: perfect
Performance: revolutionary
Studio: Pööriöö Records
Date Recorded: 10/26/2019
Track Rating: 50
Record Releases: Olm İstemiko'm nerede lan!!?

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 30

Track Credits

Featuring O. Hollingsworth 50
Featuring B. Sun 50
Artist Member A. Dark 50
Artist Member L. Law 50
Artist Member E. Le Sophiste 50
Producer E. Le Sophiste 50