Recorded Songs

You need recorded songs, also called tracks, if you're going to release records. To record a song a member of the band has composed, and create a track, you need to book a session in a recording studio. For best results you should pick one of the appropriate genre and with good quality.

Work in Progress

BURON & ATANCE doesn't have any recording sessions booked.

Tracks Recording Releases Rating
Trapos sucios 459273/28/2008 0 19
Jueves, 10 de enero; las 15:42 h. 447032/6/2008 1 19
Cucarachas 446832/5/2008 1 19
Bocetos 4318612/5/2007 3 20
Ya te llamaremos nosotros 4317012/4/2007 3 20
Por que si 4247611/5/2007 3 19
La hora del almuerzo 4225010/27/2007 3 19
Cuesta arriba 413969/21/2007 3 19
A contrareloj 409009/1/2007 3 20
Viento 400027/25/2007 3 18
Chinchetas 399837/24/2007 3 19