Welcome to Izmir

The city of Izmir is located in Turkey, and currently the home of 515 people. The local time and date is 11/21/2024, 11:03 PM.

Through these pages you can find out more about the city, places to visit and what is happening here. To travel to another city you can either buy a plane ticket, hitch a ride with a touring band, or hop into a personal vehicle if you own one.

Upcoming days in Izmir

Day Date Weekday Holiday
44 19188011/21/2024 5Thursday
45 19190411/22/2024 6Friday
46 19192811/23/2024 7Saturday
47 19195211/24/2024 1Sunday
48 19197611/25/2024 2Monday Halloween
49 19200011/26/2024 3Tuesday
50 19202411/27/2024 4Wednesday

View the full city calendar

A word from the Mayor

Sevgili İzmir vatandaşları ve ziyaretçileri, şehrimize hoş geldiniz.
İzmir'de kaldığınız süre boyunca keyifli bir zaman geçirmenizi dileriz.
Dear citizens and visitors of Izmir, welcome to our city.
We wish you an amazing time during your stay in Izmir.

Şehrimizde sizin için gerekli olacak mekanların kısayolları aşağıda sunulmuştur.
Here are some helpful shortcuts to important places in our city.

Halk Evi / Open House
İzmir Halk Plajı / Public Beach
Kaykay Parkı / Skate Park
Mezarlık / Graveyard
Kırsal / Countryside
Psikiyatri Kliniği / Psychology Clinic

Sizler için yararlı olacağını düşündüğümüz birkaç başlık aşağıda sunulmuştur.
Here are some topics that we believe will be helpful for you.

İzmir Forumu

🇹🇷 İzmir Valilik & Defterdarlık Bilgilendirme / Mayor and Treasurers Office
🌾 Şehir Rehberi
Mavi & Yeşil Cafe
🚔 Emniyet Müdürlüğü
🏛️ Adliye İletişim ve Bilgilendirme / Courthouse
💉 Hasta / Sick People

Want some fun?

Check out the City Calendar for upcoming events, or visit the Social Pages to find other things to do in the near future.

Upcoming shows in Izmir

ɷ ѕρα¢є ∂ємєηтια ɷ is playing in ||Strawberry's Rock|| IZM at 11/22/2024, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
Wonder Wolves is playing in discoteque |IZM| at 11/22/2024, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
Phi Lumiere is playing in Gray Clouds Free |IZM| at 11/22/2024, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 89
Jazz Together is playing in All Jazz /ESM/ at 11/22/2024, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
Inimigos do Rock is playing in Ella Club Rock |IZM| at 11/22/2024, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 73
SVAJONĖ 2.0 is playing in Gray Clouds Elec |IZM| at 11/22/2024, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
Esoterror is playing in Surfer's Paradise IZM at 11/22/2024, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
No Rest For The Wicked is playing in Gray Clouds MR 2 |IZM| at 11/22/2024, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 70

City Top Charts