Building Regulations in Toronto

Building regulations are controlled by the mayor of the city. Public locales are locales which the mayor has decided should only be managed by the city itself. Privatized locales are managed by private companies. A City Singularity is a single locale which is unique and always managed by the city.

The tax or subsidy in this table represents an amount of money which is paid to, or collected from, each locale of this type in the city on a daily basis. This is used by the city to either support or cash in on different businesses. To prevent mayors from abusing their power this only affects city owned locales these days.

Building Rule Taxes/Subsidies
Abandoned Warehouse Illegal 0.00 M$
Arms Dealer Public Only 6,900.00 M$
Bus Terminal Public Only 7,100.00 M$
Car Dealer Public Only 0.00 M$
Parking Garage Public Only 5,900.00 M$
Construction Company Public Only 0.00 M$
Hospital Public Only 22,000.00 M$
Park Public Only 11,000.00 M$
Prison Public Only 11,500.00 M$
School Public Only 11,000.00 M$
Stadium Public Only 22,000.00 M$
Subway Line Public Only 30,000.00 M$
TV Station Public Only 8,900.00 M$
University Public Only 23,000.00 M$
Artist Agency Privatized 0.00 M$
Bank Privatized 0.00 M$
Club Privatized 0.00 M$
Nursery Privatized 0.00 M$
Factory Privatized 0.00 M$
Gym Privatized 0.00 M$
Head Office Privatized 0.00 M$
Hotel Privatized 0.00 M$
Jam Place Privatized 0.00 M$
Law Firm Privatized 0.00 M$
Plastic Surgery Center Privatized 0.00 M$
Psychology Clinic Privatized 0.00 M$
Record Studio Privatized 0.00 M$
Research Center Privatized 0.00 M$
Restaurant Privatized 0.00 M$
Security Firm Privatized 0.00 M$
Shop Privatized 0.00 M$
Stage Equipment Shop Privatized 0.00 M$
Tattoo Parlor Privatized 0.00 M$
Airplane City Singularity 3,800.00 M$
Airport City Singularity 30,000.00 M$
City Airspace City Singularity 0.00 M$
City Hall City Singularity 150.00 M$
Countryside City Singularity 9,200.00 M$
Court House City Singularity 0.00 M$
Festival Grounds City Singularity 2,200.00 M$
Fire Station City Singularity 10,500.00 M$
Flea Market City Singularity 0.00 M$
Garbage dump City Singularity 13,500.00 M$
Graveyard City Singularity 4,700.00 M$
Highway Out of Town City Singularity 4,500.00 M$
Lost and Found City Singularity 4,100.00 M$
Museum City Singularity 6,400.00 M$
Police Station City Singularity 0.00 M$
Post Office City Singularity 5,500.00 M$
Power Plant City Singularity 0.00 M$
Public Beach City Singularity 7,200.00 M$
Real Estate Agency City Singularity 8,200.00 M$
Temple City Singularity 6,300.00 M$
Water Reservoir City Singularity 0.00 M$