Locales in Istanbul

Each city is divided in to different Zones. Find locales in those zones that are relevant to the career and game you're focusing on. You will only find locales of public interest here and not character homes or abandoned buildings.

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Locale Type Quality  
The I Hotel 23
Misafirhane & Spa Hotel 23
Plutony Motel Hotel 22
Jade - Jake Hotel Hotel 22
Dwight & Co. Spa & Hotel Hotel 22
JH | F.A.F. Hotel Hotel 22
Elegant Chaos Hotel Hotel 22
Hooters Otel Hotel 22
Gökberk Göksu Hotel 22
Frank Underwood Hotel IST Hotel 22
Bosphorus GOLD HOTEL &SPA Hotel 22
Allstar Hotel |IST| Hotel 22
The Sleepover Hotel 20
L’Amour à Parry Hotel Hotel 20
Park Bosphorus Spa Hotel Hotel 19
Hotel Hotel 19
Nail Gürcan Hotel Hotel 19
Red Bang Hotel Hotel 19
Deste Otel Hotel 17
Arcturuss Hotel 15
Daydream | Hotel & Spa Hotel 14
Rock'n Mundo Hotel Hotel 12
Hotel Praise the Sun! Hotel 9
Business Class Otel Hotel 9
Idéfix Otel Hotel 9
1stANBUL Suits Hotel 6
Hephaistos Hotel & Spa Hotel 1
Kinky Vanilla Hotel Hotel 1
Pony Babydoll Hotel 1
Frisk Otel Hotel 1
"Per Aspera Ad Astra" Hotel 1
Grand Fehmi Otel & Spa Hotel 1
Stella McCartney Hotel 1