Most Popular Artists from Istanbul

Here are the top artists from this city right now. Try catching them live the next time they return to their hometown. Chances are they enjoy the company of groupies, so who knows, in addition to catching a good show, you might just get lucky.

# Artist Genre Ranking
1 Dream Machine #2 Flamenco
2 SİMURG #3 Reggae
4 Vojvoda #2 Pop
5 Crimson Behelit #5 Latin Music
6 We Skipped The Light Fandango #6 Flamenco
7 The Murder of Crows #5 Punk Rock
8 Jellyfish Kiss #6 Reggae
9 Sugar hearts #5 African Music
10 Ocean Drive #4 Blues
11 Sweet Sensation #1 R&B
12 ReAksiyon #6 Modern Rock
13 Ace of Drums #6 Heavy Metal
14 Armageddon #4 Classical
15 Mars #4 World Music
16 NoName Jazzers #5 Jazz
17 MaVİ #6 Rock
18 Poetic Timbres #11 Modern Rock
19 Deus Ex Machina #4 R&B
20 Giglio di Firenze #10 Latin Music
21 No Truce With The Furies #8 Blues
22 Moon #7 Jazz
23 Dokuz #13 Modern Rock
24 Master Tape #9 Punk Rock
25 Blackline #14 Modern Rock