Most Popular Artists from Rio de Janeiro

Here are the top artists from this city right now. Try catching them live the next time they return to their hometown. Chances are they enjoy the company of groupies, so who knows, in addition to catching a good show, you might just get lucky.

# Artist Genre Ranking
1 Mitolojik Fırlatmalar #1 Latin Music
2 Pleasure Seeking #3 Punk Rock
3 Kiss My Triad #1 Blues
4 1000 GO #3 Pop
5 Ş E R E F E #3 Rock
6 Whimsical Reverie #7 Flamenco
7 Black Cats & Voodoo Dolls #4 Pop
8 Backyard Cats #6 Hip Hop
9 The Pink Flamingo #8 Flamenco
10 Roadhouse Rhythms #5 R&B
11 Night of the Living Dead #12 Reggae
12 Take the B Train #6 Jazz
13 Hızla Yavaşla #11 Rock
14 Fragile Dreams #5 World Music
15 Nooband #8 Jazz
16 Striking #10 Jazz
17 Angèle #14 Pop
18 Bliss Blues Guyz #14 Blues
19 Radioactive #16 Blues
20 Cartas Marruecas #18 Flamenco
21 The Pursuit of Dreams #23 Pop
22 Cosmic Girls #15 R&B
23 Herzel #34 Heavy Metal
24 Ezigmax #17 Electronica
25 Hearts On Fire #14 Country & Western