Most Popular Artists from Milan

Here are the top artists from this city right now. Try catching them live the next time they return to their hometown. Chances are they enjoy the company of groupies, so who knows, in addition to catching a good show, you might just get lucky.

# Artist Genre Ranking
1 Crazy Şeyh #2 Rock
2 Staring at the sun #16 Rock
3 AmaJAZZ #26 Jazz
4 Plùffete #27 Punk Rock
5 Los Temerarios #32 Punk Rock
6 Never Ending Fairy #23 R&B
7 Cactus Sandwich #34 Latin Music
8 Procione Blu #111 Rock
9 You Can't Sit With Us #61 Pop
10 Hurricanes Avengers #119 Rock
11 Joystick #129 Rock
12 Utisz #51 Classical
13 Valentinium #66 Jazz
14 El oso y la doncella #124 Pop
15 bulut #127 Pop
16 Ralo Véi #52 Flamenco
17 Swat Crew #63 Hip Hop
18 SevenTips #98 Modern Rock
19 Fandango #139 Pop
20 Assembly #215 Rock
21 Gli Stonati #107 Modern Rock
22 Snazzy Cats #92 Jazz
23 Aquaman #166 Pop
24 THE LOVE WITCH #252 Rock
25 Vitanova #275 Rock