Buenos Aires TheOyA *

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

Select View

Locales Cash Quality Condition
TheOya Africa BA 2146372 214,637.20 M$ 50 97
TheOya BA HQ 2565430 256,543.00 M$ 0 99
TheOyA Blues 1 BA 1370708 137,070.80 M$ 50 97
TheOya Clasic BA 2291218 229,121.80 M$ 50 99
TheOya Flamenko BA 6018744 601,874.40 M$ 50 97
TheOyA HM BA 2964582 296,458.20 M$ 50 99
TheOya MR BA 1015897 101,589.70 M$ 50 99
TheOya Pop BA 1237151 123,715.10 M$ 50 100
TheOya Punk BA 1594588 159,458.80 M$ 50 99
TheOya R&B BA 2307221 230,722.10 M$ 50 98
TheOya Reggae BA 7780830 778,083.00 M$ 50 99
TheOyA Rock BA 2992220 299,222.00 M$ 50 98
TheOyA WM 1 BA 4298746 429,874.60 M$ 50 100
TheOyA WM 2 BA 1542213 154,221.30 M$ 50 98