Landini Management Co. | Into the Inferno

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Inferno | Amsterdam 960480 96,048.00 M$ 0 45
Inferno | Ankara 933600 93,360.00 M$ 0 55
Inferno | Antalya 968220 96,822.00 M$ 0 61
Inferno | Baku 939050 93,905.00 M$ 0 54
Inferno | Barcelona 969726 96,972.60 M$ 0 56
Inferno | Belgrad 944870 94,487.00 M$ 0 61
Inferno | Berlin 963080 96,308.00 M$ 0 54
Inferno | Brüksel 932010 93,201.00 M$ 0 61
Inferno | Budapeşte 930350 93,035.00 M$ 0 55
Inferno | Buenos Aires 947750 94,775.00 M$ 0 48
Inferno | Bükreş 925020 92,502.00 M$ 0 56
Inferno | Cakarta 897559 89,755.90 M$ 0 53
Inferno | Dubrovnik 942350 94,235.00 M$ 0 46
Inferno | Glasgow 961574 96,157.40 M$ 0 61
Inferno | Helsinki 953280 95,328.00 M$ 0 49
Inferno | İstanbul 980800 98,080.00 M$ 0 56
Inferno | İzmir 926680 92,668.00 M$ 0 50
Inferno | Johannesburg 946470 94,647.00 M$ 0 61
Inferno | Kiev 958450 95,845.00 M$ 0 52
Inferno | Kopenhag 943650 94,365.00 M$ 0 54
Inferno | Londra 965270 96,527.00 M$ 0 50
Inferno | Los Angeles 944850 94,485.00 M$ 0 66
Inferno | Madrid 951794 95,179.40 M$ 0 54
Inferno | Manila 873761 87,376.10 M$ 0 51
Inferno | Melbourne 939003 93,900.30 M$ 0 53
Inferno | Mexico City 905500 90,550.00 M$ 0 52
Inferno | Milano 941630 94,163.00 M$ 0 47
Inferno | Montreal 944140 94,414.00 M$ 0 56
Inferno | Moskova 934480 93,448.00 M$ 0 53
Inferno | Nashville 946800 94,680.00 M$ 0 55
Inferno | New York 974820 97,482.00 M$ 0 48
Inferno | Paris 969550 96,955.00 M$ 0 57
Inferno | Porto 963022 96,302.20 M$ 0 55
Inferno | Rio de Janeiro 941760 94,176.00 M$ 0 50
Inferno | Roma 957820 95,782.00 M$ 0 56
Inferno | Şangay 840260 84,026.00 M$ 0 62
Inferno | Sao Paulo 946700 94,670.00 M$ 0 52
Inferno | Saraybosna 936680 93,668.00 M$ 0 62
Inferno | Seattle 968170 96,817.00 M$ 0 51
Inferno | Şikago 958670 95,867.00 M$ 0 61
Inferno | Singapur 927380 92,738.00 M$ 0 56
Inferno | Sofya 942050 94,205.00 M$ 0 49
Inferno | Stokholm 926830 92,683.00 M$ 0 63
Inferno | Tallinn 924570 92,457.00 M$ 0 53
Inferno | Tokyo 964914 96,491.40 M$ 0 53
Inferno | Toronto 949600 94,960.00 M$ 0 59
Inferno | Tromso 923330 92,333.00 M$ 0 48
Inferno | Varşova 953640 95,364.00 M$ 0 59
Inferno | Vilnius 943350 94,335.00 M$ 0 53