Wells Chain - Africa

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Amsterdam | Wells 9039096 903,909.60 M$ 50 87
Ankara | Wells 964907 96,490.70 M$ 50 90
Antalya | Wells 13723620 1,372,362.00 M$ 50 94
Bakü | Wells 13517180 1,351,718.00 M$ 50 87
Barselona | Wells 11351113 1,135,111.30 M$ 50 89
Belgrad | Wells 9412663 941,266.30 M$ 50 84
Berlin | Wells 7731953 773,195.30 M$ 50 91
Brüksel | Wells 7285879 728,587.90 M$ 50 91
Budapeşte | Wells 6433763 643,376.30 M$ 50 90
Buenos Aires | Wells 147526 14,752.60 M$ 50 87
Bükreş | Wells 13524175 1,352,417.50 M$ 50 92
Cakarta | Wells 12778471 1,277,847.10 M$ 50 93
Dubrovnik | Wells 8519392 851,939.20 M$ 50 91
Glasgow | Wells -67931 (6,793.10) M$ 50 92
Helsinki | Wells 3263904 326,390.40 M$ 50 87
İstanbul | Wells 3063802 306,380.20 M$ 50 91
İzmir | Wells -312807 (31,280.70) M$ 30 93
Johannesburg | Wells 103667 10,366.70 M$ 50 88
Kopenhag | Wells 7715370 771,537.00 M$ 50 88
Kyiv | Wells 11744297 1,174,429.70 M$ 50 90
Londra | Wells -70844 (7,084.40) M$ 50 86
Los Angeles | Wells 1252919 125,291.90 M$ 50 90
Madrid | Wells 5841177 584,117.70 M$ 50 92
Manila | Wells 15519604 1,551,960.40 M$ 50 84
Melbourne | Wells 6094261 609,426.10 M$ 50 87
Mexico City | Wells -255266 (25,526.60) M$ 30 92
Milano | Wells 7623883 762,388.30 M$ 50 91
Montreal | Wells 328729 32,872.90 M$ 50 89
Moskova | Wells 11462446 1,146,244.60 M$ 50 89
Nashville | Wells 311586 31,158.60 M$ 50 87
New York | Wells 649909 64,990.90 M$ 50 88
Paris | Wells 14431152 1,443,115.20 M$ 50 83
Porto | Wells 272574 27,257.40 M$ 50 82
Rio de Janerio | Wells 949847 94,984.70 M$ 50 86
Roma | Wells 14268228 1,426,822.80 M$ 50 94
Şangay | Wells 14082217 1,408,221.70 M$ 50 94
Sao Paulo | Wells 839161 83,916.10 M$ 50 88
Saraybosna | Wells 13793904 1,379,390.40 M$ 50 93
Seattle | Wells 192402 19,240.20 M$ 50 91
Şikago | Wells 778181 77,818.10 M$ 50 88
Singapur | Wells 13165175 1,316,517.50 M$ 50 90
Sofya | Wells 12437316 1,243,731.60 M$ 50 92
Stokholm | Wells 13282441 1,328,244.10 M$ 50 91
Tallinn | Wells 3251496 325,149.60 M$ 50 93
Tokyo | Wells 117872 11,787.20 M$ 50 91
Toronto | Wells -218482 (21,848.20) M$ 30 85
Tromsø | Wells 11623935 1,162,393.50 M$ 50 90
Varşova | Wells 14617164 1,461,716.40 M$ 50 86
Vilnius | Wells 12855750 1,285,575.00 M$ 50 87
Wells CD -774107 (77,410.70) M$ 0 91
Wells Rec -146724 (14,672.40) M$ 30 82