Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Bodycare New York -209841 (20,984.10) M$ 0 36
Bodycare Toronto -172539 (17,253.90) M$ 0 34
Bodycare Amsterdam -124488 (12,448.80) M$ 0 32
Bodycare Ankara -257337 (25,733.70) M$ 0 36
Bodycare Bakú -189095 (18,909.50) M$ 0 39
Bodycare Belgrado -201700 (20,170.00) M$ 0 43
Bodycare Berlín -185478 (18,547.80) M$ 0 45
Bodycare Bruselas 9654218 965,421.80 M$ 40 35
Bodycare Bucarest -221005 (22,100.50) M$ 0 36
Bodycare Budapest 26013 2,601.30 M$ 30 32
Bodycare Chicago -233054 (23,305.40) M$ 0 47
Bodycare Copenhague -211451 (21,145.10) M$ 0 42
Bodycare Dubrovnik -203635 (20,363.50) M$ 0 39
Bodycare Glasgow -175683 (17,568.30) M$ 0 35
Bodycare Helsinki 1174064 117,406.40 M$ 50 46
Bodycare Istambul -224643 (22,464.30) M$ 0 43
Bodycare Jakarta 8744 874.40 M$ 30 38
Bodycare Johannesburgo -244060 (24,406.00) M$ 0 45
Bodycare Kiev 3581193 358,119.30 M$ 50 41
Bodycare Los Ángeles -249081 (24,908.10) M$ 0 34
Bodycare Manila -339657 (33,965.70) M$ 0 37
Bodycare Melbourne -129318 (12,931.80) M$ 0 33
Bodycare Milán -177327 (17,732.70) M$ 0 41
Bodycare Montreal -217379 (21,737.90) M$ 0 33
Bodycare Nashville 2010761 201,076.10 M$ 40 33
Bodycare Oporto 231821 23,182.10 M$ 50 46
Bodycare Paris -121522 (12,152.20) M$ 0 37
Bodycare Río de Janeiro -250463 (25,046.30) M$ 0 25
Bodycare Roma -170454 (17,045.40) M$ 0 38
Bodycare São Paulo -286380 (28,638.00) M$ 0 42
Bodycare Sarajevo 741 74.10 M$ 20 35
Bodycare Shanghái 22294 2,229.40 M$ 30 34
Bodycare Singapur 10119 1,011.90 M$ 20 32
Bodycare Sofia -252595 (25,259.50) M$ 0 39
Bodycare Tokio -176208 (17,620.80) M$ 0 39
Bodycare Varsovia 1416327 141,632.70 M$ 40 32
Bodycare Vilnus -223685 (22,368.50) M$ 0 42