Piece Of Bread

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

Select View

Locales Cash Quality Condition
PUNK NOW ~ Barcelona 749579 74,957.90 M$ 50 98
PUNK NOW ~ Berlin 595080 59,508.00 M$ 30 99
PUNK NOW ~ Bs.As 969010 96,901.00 M$ 40 100
PUNK NOW ~ Chicago 1315660 131,566.00 M$ 30 98
PUNK NOW ~ Madrid 955781 95,578.10 M$ 50 99
PUNK NOW ~ Melbourne 561650 56,165.00 M$ 50 99
PUNK NOW ~ New York 881444 88,144.40 M$ 30 100
PUNK NOW ~ New York 2 976200 97,620.00 M$ 10 100
PUNK NOW ~ Paris 798340 79,834.00 M$ 50 99
PUNK NOW ~ Rio 690072 69,007.20 M$ 20 100
PUNK NOW ~ Roma 621980 62,198.00 M$ 20 100
PUNK NOW ~ Sao 1058838 105,883.80 M$ 40 100
PUNK NOW ~ Seattle 2363308 236,330.80 M$ 50 100
PUNK NOW ~ Seattle 2 895135 89,513.50 M$ 20 99
PUNK NOW ~ Shanghai 815592 81,559.20 M$ 50 100
PUNK NOW ~ Singapore 1429044 142,904.40 M$ 50 100
PUNK NOW ~ Tokio 1306200 130,620.00 M$ 30 99
PUNK NOW ~ Tokyo 808280 80,828.00 M$ 20 99