Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
ALKO (AMS) 375681 37,568.10 M$ 50 100
ALKO (ANK) 247829 24,782.90 M$ 50 99
ALKO (ANT) 262230 26,223.00 M$ 50 100
ALKO (BAK) 247034 24,703.40 M$ 50 100
ALKO (BAR) 370909 37,090.90 M$ 50 100
ALKO (BEL) 264480 26,448.00 M$ 50 100
ALKO (BER) 375027 37,502.70 M$ 50 100
ALKO (BRY) 218583 21,858.30 M$ 50 100
ALKO (BUD) 347278 34,727.80 M$ 50 99
ALKO (BUE) 347179 34,717.90 M$ 50 98
ALKO (BUK) 318411 31,841.10 M$ 50 100
ALKO (CHI) 261531 26,153.10 M$ 50 99
ALKO (DUB) 246881 24,688.10 M$ 50 100
ALKO (GLA) 271676 27,167.60 M$ 50 100
ALKO (HEL) 356748 35,674.80 M$ 50 99
ALKO (IST) 330033 33,003.30 M$ 50 99
ALKO (IZM) 303433 30,343.30 M$ 50 99
ALKO (JAK) 217705 21,770.50 M$ 50 100
ALKO (JOH) 263125 26,312.50 M$ 50 100
ALKO (KIO) 358133 35,813.30 M$ 50 100
ALKO (KÖÖ) 346781 34,678.10 M$ 50 100
ALKO (LA) 348032 34,803.20 M$ 50 100
ALKO (LON) 362084 36,208.40 M$ 50 100
ALKO (MAD) 368270 36,827.00 M$ 50 99
ALKO (MAN) 161452 16,145.20 M$ 50 100
ALKO (MEL) 368933 36,893.30 M$ 50 100
ALKO (MEX) 243178 24,317.80 M$ 50 100
ALKO (MIL) 364131 36,413.10 M$ 50 100
ALKO (MON) 360878 36,087.80 M$ 50 99
ALKO (MOS) 318334 31,833.40 M$ 50 100
ALKO (NAS) 347330 34,733.00 M$ 50 100
ALKO (NY) 365130 36,513.00 M$ 50 100
ALKO (PAR) 376033 37,603.30 M$ 50 100
ALKO (POR) 370383 37,038.30 M$ 40 100
ALKO (RIO) 336934 33,693.40 M$ 50 100
ALKO (ROO) 270533 27,053.30 M$ 50 100
ALKO (SAO) 344431 34,443.10 M$ 50 99
ALKO (SAR) 313044 31,304.40 M$ 50 100
ALKO (SEA) 275176 27,517.60 M$ 50 99
ALKO (SHA) 219128 21,912.80 M$ 50 100
ALKO (SIN) 334832 33,483.20 M$ 50 98
ALKO (SOF) 345801 34,580.10 M$ 50 100
ALKO (TAL) 319427 31,942.70 M$ 50 98
ALKO (TOK) 276975 27,697.50 M$ 50 99
ALKO (TOR) 344673 34,467.30 M$ 50 99
ALKO (TRO) 337504 33,750.40 M$ 40 100
ALKO (TUK) 368209 36,820.90 M$ 50 99
ALKO (VAR) 361080 36,108.00 M$ 50 99
ALKO (VIL) 362534 36,253.40 M$ 50 100