Mogilevich Holdings

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

Select View

Locales Cash Quality Condition
CMG Recording Stu 0 0.00 M$ 0 0
CMG Recording Studio BA 4438299 443,829.90 M$ 20 65
CMG Recording Studio BEL 4295789 429,578.90 M$ 20 69
CMG Recording Studio BER 4407775 440,777.50 M$ 20 61
CMG Recording Studio CHI 4652749 465,274.90 M$ 20 65
CMG Recording Studio GLA 4416442 441,644.20 M$ 20 60
CMG Recording Studio HEL 3969806 396,980.60 M$ 20 70
CMG Recording Studio JOH 4336758 433,675.80 M$ 20 66
CMG Recording Studio MAN 3669804 366,980.40 M$ 20 68
CMG Recording Studio MEL 4370232 437,023.20 M$ 20 65
CMG Recording Studio MIL 4319506 431,950.60 M$ 20 62
CMG Recording Studio MON 3876536 387,653.60 M$ 20 77
CMG Recording Studio MOS 3885108 388,510.80 M$ 20 68
CMG Recording Studio P 0 0.00 M$ 0 0
CMG Recording Studio SAO 3962368 396,236.80 M$ 20 62
CMG Recording Studio SEA 4373832 437,383.20 M$ 20 70
CMG Recording Studio SHA 3742246 374,224.60 M$ 20 70
CMG Recording Studio SIN 3831804 383,180.40 M$ 20 74
CMG Recording Studio TOR 3552828 355,282.80 M$ 20 67
CMG Recording Studio VIL 4053856 405,385.60 M$ 20 66
CMG Recording Studio WAR 4402754 440,275.40 M$ 20 71