Robbie Donnelly's PunkFest #2

This page contains information on a specific competition. Competitions are social events where players put on their best performances in an effort to outshine everyone else.

Competition Info
Name: Robbie Donnelly's PunkFest #2
Type: Local Showdown
Charity: None
Price Distribution: Top 3 Split 50%, 30%, 20%
Current Pot: 33,750.00 M$
Minimum Entries: 10
Entry Cost: 1,250.00 M$
Locale: MAD Hip Hop Amsterdam
City: Amsterdam
Arranged By: R. Donnelly
Time: 11/1/2005, 12:00 PM to 11/7/2005, 10:00 PM
Booking Starts: 1/1/2003, 12:00 AM
Description: Oi! Its time for the second
Popo-annual PunkFest showdown.

Congratulations to last years
heavy weight champions:

Go spike up your tri-hawks,
and get ready to drink until
you shit your pants! Real punx
know that PunkFest is the
most squalid showcase for
todays most filthy bands!
Just the way we like it!

This one aint for the rich
& famous bands who are nothing
more than industry puppets,
yet still claim to be punk.
And its not for you nancy-boy
girly emo bands who pretend
to be punk. Go cry emo boy,
this one is for real punkers!

Upcoming bands with a big
chip on their drunk shoulder,
a vendetta against the world,
a penchant for havoc & mayhem,
& shitloads of fuck all else.
If thats you, & you've got
something to prove, then
this is the place for you!
This time around, there is
more beer, respect and cash
on the line. So get in on it.

Oi! You can go smack somebody
in their face now, because
Status: Completed

Competition Winners

Here are the top three results from this competition listed with links to their respective shows. For a complete list of the final results click HERE.

1 The Vanguard perfect
2 Cheap Trick Orchestra awesome
3 Bad Charlotte good
Special Rules
Genre exclusive: Punk Rock artists only.