|| Akelarre II || HoI BCN

This page contains information on a specific competition. Competitions are social events where players put on their best performances in an effort to outshine everyone else.

Competition Info
Name: || Akelarre II || HoI BCN
Type: Local Showdown
Charity: None
Price Distribution: Top 3 Split 50%, 30%, 20%
Current Pot: 5,994.00 M$
Minimum Entries: 10
Entry Cost: 666.00 M$
Locale: Hearts of Ironā˜…Barcelona
City: Barcelona
Arranged By: S. Saldanha
Time: 5/1/2008, 12:00 PM to 5/8/2008, 12:00 PM
Booking Starts: 1/1/2003, 12:00 AM
Description: Akelarre ("meadow of the he-goat") have been a place with witches of heavy metal (sorgiñak in Basque) met. This place is Hearts of Iron in Barcelona this year.

These meetings were presided by the devil in form of a black he-goat. Last year, Akelarre I was presided by Love & Death win... and this time?

Want to come AGAIN?
Status: Completed

Competition Winners

Here are the top three results from this competition listed with links to their respective shows. For a complete list of the final results click HERE.

1 Bazaster sweet
2 Hard To Imagine good
3 Music for the Royal Metalworks pleasant