Breaking MR Tour 2 - Helsinque

This page contains information on a specific competition. Competitions are social events where players put on their best performances in an effort to outshine everyone else.

Competition Info
Name: Breaking MR Tour 2 - Helsinque
Type: Local Showdown
Charity: None
Price Distribution: Top 3 Split 50%, 30%, 20%
Current Pot: 6,500.00 M$
Minimum Entries: 10
Entry Cost: 500.00 M$
Locale: [MR] Sound Riot (HEL)
City: Helsinki
Arranged By: K. Nails
Time: 8/8/2009, 12:00 PM to 8/14/2009, 10:00 PM
Booking Starts: 1/1/2003, 1:00 AM
Description: Breaking MR Tour está de volta e agora com tudo ;]

Breaking MR(rock moderno) Tour ou Breaking More Rock Fest Tour pode ser chamado de " Botando Para Quebrar Mais" e o significado por esse título é para quebrar mesmo, invadir a cidade e mostrar que é bom.

A idéia principal do Breaking More Tour é reunir as bandas de rock moderno para se aventurar, ajudar uns aos outros e mostrar que tem talento para ser uma boa banda.

Agora, Breaking MR Tour conta com as 4 novas cidades desde a ultima edição .
Status: Completed

Competition Winners

Here are the top three results from this competition listed with links to their respective shows. For a complete list of the final results click HERE.

1 Sludge Factory terrific
2 :P EU :P terrific
3 Sex, Drugs & Game Over terrific
Special Rules
Genre exclusive: Modern Rock artists only.