Syn Metal Fest III-Cop Final Result

This page shows you the current standings of a competition.

# Artist Score (Link to show)
1 Forgotten Hopes perfect
2 Equimanthorn incredible
3 Tyranny of Souls terrific
4 Popomundo Of Tragedy great
5 400 ft great
6 La Junta del Barrio great
7 Forbidden Melody awesome
8 LuχOcculta splendid
9 Sourcold splendid
10 Dark Worshippers splendid
11 Fase Antonomásica sweet
12 adı yok! sweet
13 Metal Up Your ASS! good
14 HMHM good
15 Bloodscar good
16 Darkest Enlightenment decent
17 HEEG Failed
18 SeRHaDe Failed