Skizoo Records (HM)
The recording studio is where artists record tracks of their songs. You'll find everything you'll need to book a recording session here, or any other record studio, over on your artist page.
Although it's possible to record a track in any recording studio, it's probably a good idea to contact the people you have signed a contract with first, since they might offer you discounts and other special treatment.
If you don't have a record contract yet, please contact the management of a suitable recording studio to have them offer you one. You must have a record contract to actually release your recorded tracks to the public.
Note from the Management
• Los discos se lanzan los Martes para maximizar ventas
• Por favor envía tus discos 1 semana antes
• Los Singles se lanzan cada 28 días
• Los Álbumes se lanzan cada 112 días
• Los videos se lanzan los domingos
• Debes tener al menos Fama Deplorable en algunas ciudades para vender discos
• Tenemos fábricas propias
• El género del estudio no afecta a las ventas
• Asesoramiento inmediato
• Cadena de clubes de HM propia

• Discs are released on Tuesdays to maximize sales
• Please send your discs 1 week before
• Singles are released every 28 days
• Albums are released every 112 days
• Videos are released on Sundays
• You must have at least Dreadful Popularity in some cities to sell records.
• We have our own factory
• The gender of the study does not affect sales
• Immediate advice
• Club Chain Owner
Contact: Momo