16 Chester Terrace, NW1

This house is known and loved by someone as Home Sweet Home. If the owner has left the door open anyone can enter. Otherwise only the owner or people with an access code can enter.

Basic Info

Locale Type: 7 room House
City: London
City Zone: Soho (Residential)
Management: None
Locale Owner: N. Lonsdale
Quality: 50
Condition: perfect
Storage Space Used: 58
Cash: 10,000.00 M$

Note from Noah

Wait, are you lurking around my house?


Ms Stanton will catch you and feed you too much while she forces you to tell her all your secrets, wants and fears. It's gonna happen, don't fight it.

And don't forget to say thank you! Manners are important around here.

P.S. The chocolate cookies are GSG.

P.P.S. Do NOT touch the chester sofa in the studio. Seriously. It's mine and Uve alone. So stay away or you'll end up covered in his slobber and my endless hatred.


* Nico Redondo & Autumn Emerson for defiling my beloved sofa. (You are still alive only because you are family *walks away, mumbling a stream of profanities*)