Zalew Zegrzyński

The water reservoir is crucial to city infrastructure. Without a fully operational and well kept water reservoir, things can turn real ugly for businesses, inhabitants, and everyone else in the a city.

Basic Info

Locale Type: Water Reservoir
City: Warsaw
City Zone: Wilanów (Countryside)
Management: City of Warsaw
Quality: 50
Condition: perfect
Cash: 512,347,682.80 M$
Service Cost: 4.50 M$

Note from the Management

Witamy w Warszawie!
Szukasz lekarza? - 1895055.1
Masz pytania? - 2086706.1
Gdy zauważysz pożar… - 418467.1
Pracujesz długo dla miasta? Weź udział w loterii! - 2184469.1

Welcome to Warsaw!
Looking for a doctor? - 1895055.1
Do you have any questions? - 2086706.1
When something is burning… - 418467.1
Do you work for the city for a long time? Take part in the lottery! - 2184469.1

Jeśli chcesz pracować dla miasta zgłoś się do Barbary lub Davida, a otrzymasz maksymalne wynagrodzenie.