BarBar Social Club

TR: Bu kabile BarBar Bars ve *GBRK* Records üyeleri ve paydaşlarıyla iletişim kurmak için kullanılmaktadır.
EN: This club is used to communicate with the members of BarBar Bars and *GBRK* Records.

Kabilemize hepiniz hoş geldiniz. Birer Rock Star olarak kuralları sevmediğinizin farkındayız ancak burada hep birlikte var olabilmemiz için bazı kurallara ihtiyacımız var.

🌟Forumda yönetici onayı olmadan başlık açılamaz.
🌟Kabileye BarBar Bars veya *GBRK* Records ile ilişiği olmayan kimse alınamaz.
🌟Kabile forumunda üyeler birbirlerine rencide edici, hakaret içeren veya küfür içeren mesajlar gönderemezler.

Welcome to our social club. As Rock Stars we are aware of the fact that you do not like any rules. However, we need some to be here altogether.

🌟No starting thread without approval.
🌟No joining unless there is a relevance with BarBar Bars or *GBRK* Records.
🌟Members of the social club must not send offending, libelous or swearing messages to each other.

Club Information
Created: 12/3/2021
Leader: D. Ötüken
Club House: BarBar Plaza
City: Istanbul
Management: BarBar Plaza
Size: 37 members
Accepts applications: Yes

Regarding social clubs

A social club is a place where people gather to fraternize and share common interests. The only way of becoming a member of a social club is to be invited by the club leader. All social clubs have a club house where the members meet.

VIPs can be a member of up to five social clubs at the same time, while non-VIPs can only be a member of one.