
Musical Genre Ranking

Current rank of all musical artists represented in the social club, separated by genre.

African Music

# Rank Artist
1 213 Sawyer's Bedtime Stories


# Rank Artist
1 156 spread out the bread
2 265 Nobody's slave


# Rank Artist
1 261 Serenade for Strings
2 324 Vári Duó
3 448 The Paper Raincoat
4 581 Champ de Roses

Country & Western

# Rank Artist
1 166 *Winchester 22*
2 206 Four Thousand Kisses


# Rank Artist
1 338 Scions of Hain
2 412 Sweet Vulgarity
3 508 Laura Loud

Heavy Metal

# Rank Artist
1 3 Falling In Reverse
2 136 Drifting in Space
3 161 Perpetual Desolation
4 439 Ice S©ream
5 568 Dreamatorium
6 893 Azarath

Hip Hop

# Rank Artist
1 411 SPC ECO


# Rank Artist
1 43 Onni
2 78 Black & Blondie

Latin Music

# Rank Artist
1 361 Brainbox Brunette Babes

Modern Rock

# Rank Artist
1 8 Walking on the Rainbow
2 97 Extinct Declaration
3 125 Black Note
4 146 Majestics
5 427 Frito Pez
6 450 The Inlaws
7 547 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
8 689 Karmasutra


# Rank Artist
1 3 Cupcake Substitution
2 724 No Pulse
3 971 Juniper Creek
4 1136 Touching Fire
5 1204 Jesse Lockhart
6 1348 Traveler

Punk Rock

# Rank Artist
1 5 Dancing With Crows
2 171 Acufene
3 317 Text Music
4 322 Narcissistic Cannibal
5 330 handmade limerence
6 341 The Filthy Romantics
7 452 Nervous Instructors
8 573 gчρsч σƒ тнε Mσσηligнт ∂αηcε
9 608 Anarkoleptik
10 612 Tempest
11 739 nobody prays for the heartless


# Rank Artist
1 49 The Velvet Tones
2 362 Don't look to me
3 588 LDDD


# Rank Artist
1 176 Trelawny Sharks


# Rank Artist
1 170 Arcade Museum
2 238 Wild Rocking Dragons
3 686 Debauchery
4 734 Exxus
5 864 Iron Hastings
6 901 PaiN
7 913 ѕιηѕ ∂σgмą
8 939 Contrast
9 970 Before Trees
10 1088 Legion of Temptation
11 1243 US Marine Corps
12 1341 Familia
13 1393 Empire
14 1571 Xplicit
15 1616 The Wolfs

World Music

# Rank Artist
1 64 Point Break (WM)