Musical Genre Ranking

Current rank of all musical artists represented in the social club, separated by genre.

African Music

# Rank Artist
1 47 Extreme Fingers


# Rank Artist
1 381 Alone In the Dark


# Rank Artist
1 104 Scions of Hain

Heavy Metal

# Rank Artist
1 5 Deatharmonic
2 111 Perpetual Desolation
3 188 Blazing Star
4 360 5 From Hell
5 535 La Quintrala
6 554 ChagoPunk
7 604 Huesos Rotos

Latin Music

# Rank Artist
1 292 Angels From Hell.
2 425 Over the Top - Under the Line

Modern Rock

# Rank Artist
1 574 The Sparkling Fairies


# Rank Artist
1 22 Stoned everything is bearable


# Rank Artist
1 553 Zero for Conduct