Criminal Crew Ranking

Current rank of all crews represented in the social club, separated by number of members.

Crews with 1 member

# Rank Crew
1 545 Sociedad Secreta...
2 1494 Always!
3 1755 Evil Sophie
4 2248 ~ Bad Vibes ~
5 2508 Artemisa
6 2615 Biribinhas
7 3804 Kendy Boy

Crews with 2 members

# Rank Crew
1 476 Criminal Lovers
2 825 S!N!ST3R K!D
3 1894 Inferna
4 2258 Pacific
5 2738 The Risen Demons

Crews with 3 members

# Rank Crew
1 69 LDL
2 682 Neighbourhood Bullies
3 1804 Inimigos do Estado
4 1989 Criminais Roxas